Suggest a Purchase

The Library provides appropriate methods for both students and staff to participate in collection construction.

(1) No matter you are the student or staff, you could suggest a purchase through OPAC or Book Fair.

OPAC Online Suggestion

You could take part in library collection development by submitting online suggestions in OPAC system. Please refer to the Policy on Print Book Collection Development first before submitting a suggestion.

Autumn Book Fair

The library holds the autumn book fair and teaching resources exhibition regularly . You are welcome to make recommendations through the book fair. It is also an opportunity for you to communicate with publishers and librarians.


(2) If you are XJTLU staff, you could use the following methods to suggest a purchase as well. Visit Book Acquisition (for staff) guide for more information.


Fill the Purchase Request Form

Submit the request form to the library liaison officer who is responsible for collecting requests, or occasionally to the liaison librarian. Read the Policy on Print Book Collection Development for the regulations.

Purchase Request Form

For any other quires on library collection and purchase, you could visit LibAnswers for help.

Reimbursement for Self-Purchase

You could purchase books by yourself and get the reimbursement from the library. Before you purchase, please read the Library Policy on Staff Self-Purchase Reimbursement to learn the regulations.

Staff Reimbursement Request Form

Book Selection & Order Placement in Bookstores

As an alternative way to recommend books for the library, you can select and place orders in the following bookstores.

  • Eslite Bookstore(苏州诚品书店)

                          Tel: 0512-62986068 Ext.31531

                          Add: No.8 Yuelang Street, Suzhou Industrial Park

  • Phoenix Bookstore(凤凰苏州书城)

                          Tel: 0512-62606666

                          Add: No.158 Suzhou Avenue West, Suzhou Industrial Park

  • Xinhua Bookstore in Guanqian Street(观前街新华书店)

                      Tel: 0512-67270241

                      Add: No.166 Guanqian Street, Suzhou

Please show staff card to bookstore receptionist when you are ordering books. Please refer to the Policy for Ordering in the Bookstore for the regulations.


(3) If you are an academic staff, you are advised to fill in the Purchase Request Form when you feel like to suggest purchases.