Library AI Day Invitation – LibAI Launchpad
Event Notice
21 September 2024, Saturday

Library AI Day Invitation – LibAI Launchpad


Embracing AI in Libraries and Envisioning the Road Ahead


图书馆人工智能日邀请函 - LibAI 发布




Library AI Day Banner


We're excited to announce the launch of our new AI tools, accessible through the Library AI Portal! Save the date for next Wednesday as we invite you to delve into the following groundbreaking features:

LibAI Chatbot: Your round-the-clock Library Assistant, ready to assist whenever and wherever you need.

LibAI Database Navigator: Discover and access our library's databases effortlessly with intuitive chat interactions.

LibAI ChatPDF: Unleash the power of your PDFs, converting them into actionable knowledge in seconds.



LibAI Chatbot:全天候的图书馆助理,随时随地为您提供帮助。

LibAI Database Navigator:通过直观的聊天互动,轻松发现和访问图书馆的数据库资源。

LibAI ChatPDF:充分释放PDF的潜能,几秒内将其转化为可操作的知识。


Time 时间


14:00-15:30, Wednesday, 25 September 2024



Venue 地点


Room 689, Central Building, SIP North Campus

689,中心楼,SIP 北校区


Agenda 活动议程


13:45 – 14:00 Registration 签到

14:00 – 14:05 Opening Remarks 开幕致辞

14:05 – 14:25 Meet LibAI Portal: The New Face of Library Services  LibAI门户:图书馆服务的新面貌

14:25 – 15:00 Revolutionizing Library Resources with LibAI Tools: Simplify, Streamline, and Innovate LibAI工具革新图书馆资源管理:简化、优化、创新

15:00 – 15:15 LibAI Update: Library's Upcoming AI Tools and Events Lineup LibAI最新动态:图书馆即将推出的AI工具及活动预告

15:15 – 15:30 Q&A 互动问答



Reserve Your Seat 预约活动:


(Registration Deadline: 24 September 2024)

(注册截至: 2024924)



For any queries, please feel free to contact
