Library Notice of Loan Period Adjustment during the Winter Holiday
Holiday Service Notice
20 December 2024, Friday

The library will extend the due date for checked-out items over the Winter Holiday to encourage patrons to make the best use of library resources. The details are as follows:

Any checked-out library item with due date between 25th December, 2024, and 23rd February, 2025 will be extended to be returned on 24th February, 2025.

Please ensure you return all borrowed items by the due date (24th February, 2025). If an item is overdue, the borrowing privileges (including borrowing, renewal, reservation and inter-branch book delivery) will be temporarily suspended until the overdue item is returned.

If you are unable to return to the university in time to return the books, the library suggests that you renew your borrowed books online before the due date at  Should you have any issues with renewing items online, please send an email to for assistance.







XJTLU Library