Solicitation for Museum Collection


To promote museum construction and enrich collection, the museum regularly calls for collection toward all teachers and students, all sectors of the community, enterprises, institutions, government organisations etc. The collection range is as below:
  • Material objects, historical documents and materials related to influential figures and events which can reflect landmarks of university running achievements during the XJTLU development.
  • All material objects that can reflect XJTLU faculties and students’ achievements.
  • Documents, photos and material objects of important activities XJTLU faculties and students involved.
  • Meaningful material objects about XJTLU life.
  • Representative presents and souvenirs that are from off-campus visit or trips.
  • Cultural relics with historical, artistic and scientific value.
  • Special works of art (calligraphy works, paintings, handicrafts, etc.)
Welcome to contact us if you would like to provide or donate any meaningful items.