During summer holiday, Library will continue to offer academic support services. You can follow the instructions below to seek academic help.
Find Library FAQs first at https://libanswers.lib.xjtlu.edu.cn if you encounter difficulties in using library resources.
Find Library Guides at https://libguides.lib.xjtlu.edu.cn/ which provide guidance on library policies, library projects, library research support and resources such as books, journals, web resources and learning tools.
Date: Monday - Friday
Time: 9:00am- 5:00pm
Start an online chat with us by clicking "Ask Us" on the right side of Library Digital Site https://lib.xjtlu.edu.cn to solve your problem instantly.
Date: Monday - Friday
Time: 10:30am - 4:00pm
Schedule an appointment at https://core.xjtlu.edu.cn/mod/scheduler/view.php?id=75023 for Personalized Library Help.
Requests about one-to-one consultation could be made on different topics and you can bring your own queries to talk with librarians.
Write an e-mail to askalibrarian@xjtlu.edu.cn if you still have problems.
XJTLU Library
June 14, 2023