External Visit
25 March 2024, Monday






On 22 Mar, 2024, a group of 13 people including Zhongxing Guo, the University Librarian of Nanjing Agricultural University Library visited the library at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University to have the communication on the Library development and operation. In the morning Accompanied by Chao Teng, Deputy University Librarian of XJLTU, the Librarians of Nanjing Agricultural University Library visited the library of XJLTU. In the afternoon, both Xin Bi, Director of Centre for Knowledge and Information/University Librarian of XJLTU and Liping Yang, Deputy University Librarian of XJLTU gave the report on the meeting. Then the librarians from two universities had a discussion and exchanged ideas. Librarians from IPISC, ALRD, CDD and USD also invited to join the discussion.

On the meeting, Dr. BI gave a report on Higher Education in the Digital Era: Exploration and Practice. He shared from XJTLU introduction to Internal and External Relations in Education. He said the education is evolving under the social environment change, so we need to change the teaching mode from imparting knowledge to supporting student growth. Then he introduced XJTLU Education Ideology and how librarians actively participate in education and teaching. Finally he introduced XJTLU Learning Mall.

Next, Deputy Director Liping Yang gave two reports, the first is Library resource construction and service innovation under the Open Science environment. She shared from XJTLU Library introduction to case study of XJTLU Library’s innovative academic exchange services. The second is Developing Cutting-edge Academic Resources: From Evidence-based Decision Making to Smart Services. She shared from Library Collection Budget Allocation to Information Literacy workshop.

In the exchange session, Deputy Director Chao Teng introduced XJTLU Library organizational structure and services, etc. Then both parties had in-depth exchanges and discussions on reading promotion, user services, academic support, and intellectual property information service.

This visit and exchange activity not only enhanced their understanding of the construction of future learning center for the transformation and development of their libraries, but also deepened communication and understanding between the two university libraries.