西浦图书馆“博学明道角” 落成仪式圆满举行 The Launch Ceremony of “The corner of Light and Wings” Held Successfully
Library Event
10 April 2024, Wednesday

2024年4月10日下午,我校图书馆成功举行了 “博学明道角” 的落成仪式。博学明道角集中展示了西交利物浦大学执行校长席酉民教授向西浦图书馆捐赠的1200多本书刊及400余份资料珍贵物品,同时该空间还会持续接收并展示席校长的捐赠。席校长亲自为空间提名为 “博学明道角” 。仪式由图书馆馆员工思云主持,西交利物浦大学执行校长席酉民教授、西交利物浦大学信息中心主任兼图书馆馆长毕新、图书馆副馆长滕超、图书馆员工代表和学校师生代表参加了此次仪式。

The launch ceremony of "The Corner of Light and Wings" was held successfully by the library in the afternoon of April 10, 2024. The Corner of Light and Wings was established in March 2024, thanks to the generous donation of more than 1,200 books and other valuable items by Professor Youmin Xi, the Executive President of XJTLU. He nominated this space as "The Corner of Light and Wings". Professor Xi will continue to donate from his collections to this corner. Library staff Siyun Wang presided over the ceremony. Professor Youmin Xi the Executive President of XJTLU, Dr. Xin Bi the CKI Director, University Librarian and Ms. Chao Teng the Deputy University Librarian attended this ceremony.





At the ceremony, Professor Xi delivered a passionate opening speech. He said that the library is not only a place to store books, but also a space for communication and learning. Professor Xi shared his reading method that combines physical books with AI, and he was also convinced that the reading experience of physical books could not be replaced by e-books. He hoped that, through the donation of physical collections to enable students on in-depth reading of physical books, so that they could be integrated into the world of the authors, to enrich their knowledge of the world and stimulate the self-reflection. At the same time, Professor Xi also mentioned that the nomination of this reading corner came from the university motto of XJTLU, and he wished that through the Corner of Light and Wings, students could expand their horizons, gain wisdom, and grow up with the world on the shoulders of giants through reading.





Afterwards, Ms. Teng expressed her deep gratitude to Professor Xi for his continuous donations over the years in her speech. She said that the Corner of Light and Wings kicked off the reading month of the library. University staff and students can read the collection of books that reflects Professor Xi’s pursuit and exploration of knowledge, and at the same time, they can also review the university's motto.




西浦学生代表、读者协会社长林丹竹表示, 博学明道角的建立为全校师生提供了全新的学习空间与资源,在这里,学生得以跟随席校长的步伐,拓展自己的知识视野,提升自己的学术水平。读者协会希望每一个来到博学明道角的师生,都能够体会读书的乐趣,聆听席校长的教诲。

Lin Danzhu, student representative of XJTLU and president of the Readers' Association, said that the establishment of the Corner of Light and Wings provided a new learning space for all the students and staff of the university, where students can follow the steps of Professor Xi, expand their knowledge horizons and improve their academic level. It is the hope of the Readers' Association that every student and staff who comes to the corner will be able to enjoy reading.





At the ceremony, Professor Xi and Dr. Bi officially unveiled The Corner of Light and Wings, and Dr. Bi presented Professor Xi with a certificate of donation and a USB disk with digitalized donated pictures and collection of his academic papers. The Corner of Light and Wings not only enriches the collection of resources in the library, but also revitalizes the campus culture.  It is anticipated that under Professor Xi's direction, this corner would develop into a significant learning environment for students and staff, encouraging future generations of XJTLUer to seek the knowledge and fulfill their aspirations.
