秋季书展进行中! The Autumn Book Fair is underway!
Library Event
22 October 2024, Tuesday

1021日,西交利物浦大学图书馆秋季书展在一片热烈的氛围中盛大开幕。本届书展以“Books: Your Passport to Infinite Worlds”为口号,精选了两万册中外文学术书籍及最新畅销书籍供师生荐购,为师生提供了一场知识的盛宴。

The Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Library Autumn Book Fair 2024 is held successfully on October 21st with the slogan "Books: Your Passport to Infinite Worlds." More than 20,000 copies of original English and Chinese books are provided on the fair for recommendation, offering a feast of knowledge to faculty and students.




This book fair adds the interactive activity of Stamp Collection, which was highly praised by XJTLUers and book vendors. Many freshmen, who participated in the autumn book fair for the first time, expressed that "What an eye-opener it was, taking a realistic look at such a large-scale book event with a wide variety of original English books." Besides, many teachers impressed that "The Stamp Collection activity is interesting and the gifts are abundant, which is worth for their reference.” Participants can pick up the book fair boarding passes on-site, then visit various book vendors' booths to collect stamps to exchange for a gift. While participating in the activity, they can also engage in communication with book vendors and make book recommendations.




The book fair will last till October 24th. We welcome more XJTLUers to participate in this book fair event!