Library Student Reading Champions' Gathering & Talk: Facilitating communication between students and librarians
Library Event
30 December 2024, Monday

12月19日,西浦图书馆成功举办了 “图书馆阅读之星颁奖交流会” 太仓校园专场。此次活动旨在促进学生与图书馆之间的沟通交流,收集宝贵的反馈意见,共同探讨未来发展的可能性。

On December 19, XJTLU Library successfully hosted the "Student Reading Champions’ Gathering & Talk" at Taicang Campus. This event aimed to foster communication between students and the library, collect valuable feedback, and explore possibilities for future development.



The event comprised three key segments. First, three librarians summarized the library’s highlights from the past academic year, including innovations in circulation services, diverse student activities, and achievements in information literacy and research skills training. Next, students and librarians engaged in lively group discussions, exchanging ideas on topics such as activity formats, training themes, and facility improvements. Through these interactions, many constructive suggestions were generated. During the award ceremony, the library recognized outstanding students with five major awards: Reading Superstar, Top Library Visitor, Group Study Superstar, Library Activity Superstar, and Library Training Superstar.



This event not only celebrated students’ enthusiasm and participation but also provided valuable insights for enhancing future library services. The library remains committed to creating a superior learning and growth environment for all students and staff.