近日,由西浦图书馆与学友计划(Buddy program)联合举办的“游园会”之图书馆导览顺利揭开了帷幕。此次活动改变了以往以图书馆老师亲临指导的模式,而是以高年级学生组成的志愿者们带领新生来图书馆参观学习。参观期间,buddy们耐心细致地讲解了馆内的各项服务与资源,及如何正确使用馆内的各类设备。为了给新生营造良好温馨的氛围,馆员们在3楼设置了Buddy游园会的专属打卡点,还精心制作了学生手册和小贴士卡片,以便新生更为详尽地了解和使用图书馆。
Recently, the XJTLU Library in-cooperation with Buddy Program had organized freshmen library tour. The tour was unique because instead of guided by the library staff, it was guided by senior students. During the tour, the buddy meticulously and patiently shared about the Library various services, facilities and resources. In order to create a welcoming environment, the librarians set up a special space for card-punching for the Buddy tour group on the 3rd floor. Moreover, the librarians also made and distributed handouts for freshmen to learn more about and how to use the library.
During 3 weeks period, the library has carried out two OPAC induction sessions every week to help freshmen to get quickly adjusted to the various resources and services in the library in order to support their academic life.
A first year student, Zhang Xilin commented, “The library’s OPAC induction sessions is very helpful for me because it helps me to search for the resources correctly as well as utilizing all the services that is available in the Library. For example, borrowing books, searching the internet and finding required books on the shelf. In addition, I also like the way the teacher teaches today, patient and meticulous. It somehow made me love the library even more.”
Another first year student, Kong Yixuan said, “Even though I was late and missed a lot of useful information, the teacher gave a special review for me so that I could keep up with the rest of the participants in time. I will support the library’s activities in the future.”
“The OPAC induction session has become a brand to the Library and we have been offering this course for several years now. The session has received a lot of good feedbacks from majority of students. For freshmen, the library is their second home, how to use the library’s resources, services and facilities effectively could impact their learning environment and capability. Of course there are some flaws in our library’s session and guide for freshmen, but we will try our best to explore more informative, interesting and practical activities for them in the future”, explains by Wang Siyun, the Associate Circulation Librarian from User’s Service Division.