Successful Scholarly Communication Mini-symposium Held on October 28
Library Event
29 October 2020, Thursday

The Researcher Academy @ XJTLU Library webinar was once again successfully held. On October 28th, more than 100 researchers from the XJTLU community joined the Scholarly Communication Mini-symposium – Gear up for scholarly publishing onsite or online. Three guest speaker, Ms. Qing Li (from IEEE), Prof. Johannes Knops (Department of Health & Environmental Sciences), and Dr. Jia Meng (Department Biological Sciences) have brought us with wonderful talks about scholarly publishing.


Ms. Qing Li (IEEE)

Ms. Qing Li (IEEE)

How to write a quality technical paper and where to publish within IEEE

Prof. Johannes Knops (HES, XJTLU)

Prof. Johannes Knops (HES, XJTLU)

Academic publishing, citation index, journal impacts, open access & university rankings - some comments on academic publishing trends, changes, and what researchers should do, and not do

Dr. Jia Meng

Dr. Jia Meng (BIO, XJTLU)

A personal journey to more and better papers


Click the video below to review the symposium: 


We look forward to your participation in our future Researcher Academy @ XJTLU Library events!